Welcome to The Dingus Den

Amateur Game Developer + Artist

Co-founder of Silvereye Collective

This place is my little home on the internet, where I catalogue my various projects and goings ons and such. Enjoy.

What's "Current" in The Dingus Space?

Updated: 11/20/2024

I'm learning Lua and Pico-8. I plan on making some little things in it, and maybe moving on to Love2d to do some more. First impressions of Lua are pretty good, it's a very clean little language. I hope to gain some more confidence in my game development and programming abilities before I return to working in an engine. I think I'm learning more working outside of the pre-made tools of an engine. And hopefully when I'm back to an engine, I'll be a lot more able to finish things. Gotta finish projects.....